Question 1

1) state five operation that a vice can carry out 2)state the energy input and energy output of the following appliances
a)electric iron
b)electric kettle
c)gas lamp
d)ceiling fan
e)radio set

Question 2
1)list two common methods of cutting screw
2) the common things needed in cutting screws
3)name three types of drilling machine tools
4)name the machine used in drilling

I will do a few..

1b) input: electricity, output: heat

1e) input electricity, electrical waves, output: sound

To answer Question 1:

1) To state five operations that a vice can carry out, you can refer to the general functions of a vice. A vice is a mechanical device used to secure objects in place, allowing for various operations such as:
- Clamping: Holding objects firmly in place to prevent movement during other operations.
- Holding and Turning: A vice can hold objects while you rotate or turn them, making it easier to work on different sides or angles of the object.
- Sawing: Vices can be used to hold objects securely while sawing them.
- Filing: A vice can keep objects steady while filing or shaping them.
- Assembly and Disassembly: Vices are often used to hold objects together during assembly or disassembly processes.

To answer the second part of Question 1:

a) Electric Iron:
- Energy Input: The energy input for an electric iron is typically electricity from the power grid.
- Energy Output: The energy output is thermal energy in the form of heat produced by the electric iron's heating element.

b) Electric Kettle:
- Energy Input: Electric kettles are designed to be connected to a power source, which is typically electricity from the power grid.
- Energy Output: The energy output is thermal energy in the form of heat generated by the kettle to heat the water inside.

c) Gas Lamp:
- Energy Input: The energy input for a gas lamp is typically in the form of gas fuel, such as propane or butane.
- Energy Output: The energy output is light and heat generated by burning the gas fuel.

d) Ceiling Fan:
- Energy Input: The energy input for a ceiling fan is typically electricity from the power grid.
- Energy Output: The energy output is mechanical energy in the form of rotational motion, which creates air movement.

e) Radio Set:
- Energy Input: The energy input for a radio set is typically electricity from batteries or a power source.
- Energy Output: The energy output is electromagnetic energy in the form of radio waves, which are received and converted into sound waves by the radio set's components.

To answer Question 2:

1) Two common methods of cutting screws are:
- Threading: This involves using a threading tool, such as a tap or a die, to cut threads into a workpiece or onto a pre-existing screw.
- Machining: This involves using a lathe or a CNC machine to cut the screw using specialized cutting tools and processes.

2) Common things needed in cutting screws include:
- Screw blank or workpiece
- A cutting tool, such as a threading tool or lathe
- Proper machining or cutting techniques
- Lubrication or cooling fluids, depending on the cutting method

3) Three types of drilling machine tools are:
- Drill press: A stationary machine that holds the workpiece in place while a rotating drill bit cuts into it.
- Hand drill: A portable tool that is operated by hand and allows for drilling holes in various materials.
- CNC drilling machine: A computer-controlled machine that uses automated processes to drill precise holes based on programmed instructions.

4) The machine used in drilling is commonly referred to as a drill machine or a drilling machine. This machine typically consists of a motor, a spindle, a drill chuck, and a worktable for holding the workpiece.