Imperialism can benefit one’s country. Empires can be built by securing resources; however, the building of empires has essentially led to many wars throughout history. Some believe that empires are needed and inevitable. These people would be considered ultra-nationalist. Others believe that Empires are dangerous and cause many unnecessary wars. These people are deemed internationalist as they are trying to promote global peace. Clearly, the ultra-nationalism of building an empire is wrong and should be avoided.

Various people believe that the building of an empire provides secure natural resources due to taking over territories owned by other countries. This ultra-nationalism can actually create a war due to an attempt of trying to take over another country, meaning that you lose resources in fighting a war. Germany's attempt to take over Europe is an example of how building an empire can lead to war. Nazi Germany started to build an empire in an attempt to be a world power. After Germany invaded Poland, both France and Britain declared war on Germany. Many lives were taken and resources were depleted on both sides of the war. Another example of how the building of empires can lead to war is when two neighbor countries are building an empire. When two neighbor countries try to build an empire, their expansion plans could contain similar territories. Neither side of these two ultra-nationalistic states would want to give up land to another.

i need this essay proofread please

thesis is that the building of empires is bad

You need to re-think that first sentence in light of your thesis.

You need to get rid of all instances of "you" throughout the paper.

nationalist = singular
nationalists = plural

internationalist = singular
internationalists = plural


This isn't an essay yet. Here's the pattern for an essay:

1. Intro paragraph, thesis statement at the end.
2. First main point to support thesis statement -- and explanation about this main point.
3. Second main point to support thesis statement -- and explanation about this main point.
4. Third main point to support thesis statement -- and explanation about this main point.
5. Conclusion paragraph

for our essay body paragraphs we are supposed to talk about the what the other side argues and then trash it

sorry for not telling you, but i was not don't yet.... i am sorry

So ... you're writing an argument!
Go into Argumentative Essays on this website, and use all the ideas they give you.

Imperialism is the practice of extending a country's power and influence through the acquisition of new territories or the establishment of economic and political dominance over other nations. Some argue that imperialism can benefit a country by providing access to new resources, markets, and labor, leading to economic growth and increased influence. However, as you mentioned, the building of empires has often resulted in conflicts and wars throughout history.

To understand why building empires can lead to wars, it is important to consider the motivations behind imperialism. The desire to secure resources and establish dominance can cause tensions and conflicts between countries. When one country attempts to take over another, it can lead to resistance, as the affected nation will naturally try to protect its interests and sovereignty.

One example you mentioned is Nazi Germany's attempt to build an empire in Europe. When Germany invaded Poland, it triggered a response from France and Britain, who declared war on Germany to protect Poland. This escalated into World War II, which caused immense loss of life and resources on all sides. The pursuit of empire-building, in this case, led to a devastating conflict.

Similarly, when two neighboring countries both pursue imperialistic goals, conflicts can arise. Each country may have overlapping territorial ambitions, leading to disputes and the unwillingness to compromise. Neither side wants to give up land to the other, fueling tensions and potentially escalating into war.

The debate between ultra-nationalists and internationalists centers around differing beliefs about the necessity and consequences of empire-building. Ultra-nationalists prioritize the interests and power of their own nation, believing that empire-building is needed for a country's economic success and security. Internationalists, on the other hand, advocate for global cooperation and peace, viewing empires as dangerous and a potential cause of unnecessary conflicts.

In conclusion, the building of empires can provide certain benefits such as secure resources, but it also carries the risk of causing conflicts and wars. The motivations behind imperialism and the clash of interests between nations can lead to tensions and escalations. It is important to consider the potential consequences of empire-building and to promote international cooperation and peace to avoid unnecessary conflicts.