The changing or giving way of one plant group to another is called?

The changing or giving way of one plant group to another is called plant succession. Plant succession refers to the gradual process in which one plant community is replaced by another over a period of time. This change occurs due to various factors such as ecological disturbances, natural events, or human activities.

If you want to learn more about plant succession or any other topic, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by using a search engine: Open a search engine like Google or Bing and enter the keywords "plant succession." This will yield a list of relevant websites and resources related to the topic.

2. Visit reputable websites: Look for reputable sources like scientific journals, educational institutions, or government websites. These sources are likely to provide reliable and accurate information about plant succession.

3. Read articles or publications: Look for articles, publications, or research papers that discuss plant succession. These sources often provide in-depth explanations and examples to enhance your understanding.

4. Consult books or textbooks: If you prefer a more comprehensive approach, consider referring to books or textbooks on ecology or botany. These resources provide extensive information and can be particularly helpful if you want to delve deeper into the subject.

5. Seek guidance from experts: If you have access to professionals or experts in the field of ecology or botany, consider reaching out to them for further information or clarification. They can provide insights based on their expertise and experience.

Remember to critically analyze and cross-reference information from multiple sources to ensure accuracy and gain a comprehensive understanding of the topic.

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