Which value of Ke

Which value of Keq indicates in pressure on the equilibrium

A reversible reaction with gaseous reactants and products, such as 2 NO2 <--> N2O4. Although adding or removing

products or reactants will "shift the equilibrium", it will not change
the equilibrium constant, Keq. More often than not, if a book says
that something "shifts the equilibrium" it means that it disturbs the state of dynamic equilibrium but does not actually change Keq. Keq
remains constant.

Here is my question: what DOES change Keq? I know that temperature
changes Keq. Can pressure change the value of Keq? I am guessing that
pressure does NOT change the value of Keq.

To determine the value of Ke, we need more context. "Ke" is not a common mathematical symbol or term.

If "Ke" refers to the equilibrium constant (Kc or Kp) in the context of a chemical reaction, you can find its value by examining the balanced equation for the reaction and using experimental data.

For reactions in the gas phase, the equilibrium constant is often expressed as Kp, which is calculated using the partial pressures of the reactants and products. The value of Kp can be determined experimentally by measuring the equilibrium concentrations or pressures of the species involved.

For reactions in the aqueous phase, the equilibrium constant is commonly expressed as Kc, which is calculated using the concentrations of the reactants and products. Similarly, the value of Kc can be determined experimentally by measuring the equilibrium concentrations of the species involved.

If "Ke" refers to a different concept or symbol, please provide more information or clarify the context so that I can assist you further in determining its value.