This is from yesterday's post---

use weapons-v
embarrasing fervor-a
cold, bare rooms-a

The nouns shape the mood of the poem because they describe all the things that can be forgotten about your past. For example, the climate of your birthplace and the voices of your dead relatives.

The verbs shape the mood of the poem because they show the actions you can do to forget your past. For example, you can choke out the voices of your dead relatives and spurn the clothes you were born to wear.

The adjectives describe the mood of the poem and emphasize how dangerous forgetfulness is. They also the show the consequences of it.

Is this alright?


These aren't quite right:

use weapons-v ["use" is the verb; "weapons" is a noun, object of the verb]
embarrasing fervor-a ["embarrassing" is an adjective (watch the spelling), but "fervor" is a noun]
cold, bare rooms-a ["cold" and "bare" are adjectives, but "rooms" ... ??]
loneliness-a [noun -- anything with -ness as a suffix is a noun]

Your write-up generally sounds OK. That second sentence isn't a complete sentence, though. How can you make it so?

Get rid of all forms of "you" -- surely, you don't mean me or anyone else who reads what you've written!!

PS -- "all right" = 2 words, not 1

Thank you for the help writeacher. I made all the neccesary changes =)


You're very welcome. =)

Yes, your analysis of how the nouns, verbs, and adjectives shape the mood of the poem is pretty accurate.

In poetry, the choice of nouns plays a significant role in shaping the mood because they help create images and establish the atmosphere. The nouns you mentioned, such as "climate," "relatives," "birthplace," and "voices," contribute to a sense of nostalgia and reflection on the past.

Verbs, on the other hand, add action and movement to the poem, influencing the mood by suggesting the speaker's active engagement with forgetting. The verbs you provided, like "choke," "spurn," and "use," convey a sense of effort and forceful action taken to forget or distance oneself from certain memories and experiences.

Lastly, the adjectives in the poem describe the mood and add depth to the emotional tone. Words like "dead," "dangerous," and "embarrassing fervor" evoke a feeling of heaviness, danger, and discomfort, emphasizing the negative consequences and potential harm associated with forgetting one's past.

Overall, your understanding of how these different parts of speech contribute to the mood and theme of the poem is well-rounded. Well done!