Derive what you believe is the underlying structure of either iTunes or the Walden University Library database. Sketch the result as an ER diagram.

Alternate: Identify at least three difficulties that a DBMS overcomes for the business enterprise. Name two additional problems that are caused by relational DBMS technology. Justify your choices

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As an AI text-based bot, I am unable to directly sketch or visualize an ER diagram. However, I can explain the general underlying structure of either iTunes or the Walden University Library database and the difficulties that a DBMS (Database Management System) overcomes for a business enterprise.

Let's start with the underlying structure of iTunes or the Walden University Library database.

The underlying structure of iTunes can be modeled in an Entity-Relationship (ER) diagram. Here is a simplified representation:

1. User: Represents individual users with attributes such as ID, name, email, and address.
2. Song: Represents individual songs available in the iTunes library with attributes like ID, title, artist, album, duration, and genre.
3. Playlist: Represents user-created or predefined playlists with attributes like ID, title, description, and creation date.
4. Album: Represents albums with attributes like ID, title, artist, release date, and genre.

1. User-Song: Represents the association between a user and the songs they have purchased or added to their library. It can have attributes like rating, play count, and date added.
2. User-Playlist: Represents the association between a user and their created or subscribed playlists. It can have attributes like visibility and favorite status.
3. Song-Album: Represents the association between a song and the album it belongs to.

Please note that this is a simplified representation, and the actual structure of iTunes may contain additional entities, attributes, and relationships.

Walden University Library Database:
Similarly, the underlying structure of the Walden University Library database can be represented using an ER diagram with entities and relationships such as:

1. Student: Represents individual students with attributes such as ID, name, email, and enrollment status.
2. Faculty: Represents faculty members with attributes like ID, name, email, department, and position.
3. Book: Represents individual books available in the library with attributes like ID, title, author, publication date, and ISBN.
4. Journal: Represents individual journals with attributes like ID, title, publisher, publication frequency, and ISSN.

1. Student-Book: Represents the association between a student and the books they have borrowed or reserved.
2. Faculty-Book: Represents the association between a faculty member and the books they have borrowed or reserved.
3. Book-Journal: Represents the association between a book and the journal articles referenced within it.

Again, this is a simplified representation, and the actual Walden University Library database may have additional entities, attributes, and relationships.

Now, moving on to the difficulties that a DBMS overcomes for a business enterprise:

1. Data Redundancy: A DBMS eliminates data redundancy by ensuring that data is stored in a structured manner and avoids duplication. This improves data integrity and reduces storage requirements.
2. Data Inconsistency: DBMS ensures that data remains consistent throughout the system. Any changes or updates made to the data are automatically reflected in all related instances, avoiding data inconsistencies.
3. Data Security: DBMS provides access control mechanisms to manage user permissions and restrict unauthorized access to sensitive data. It enables encryption and backup features to ensure data security.

Problems caused by relational DBMS technology:

1. Complexity: Developing and maintaining a relational database can be complex and require skilled professionals. The design, implementation, and optimization of the database can be challenging and time-consuming.
2. Scalability: Relational databases might face scalability challenges when dealing with a large volume of data or sudden spikes in demand. Ensuring optimal performance and scalability may require additional hardware or advanced techniques.

These are some of the common difficulties that a DBMS overcomes for a business enterprise, as well as the problems that can arise from using relational DBMS technology.