The observational learning approach states that stereotypes and prejudices are acquired through what?

repressing of wants and needs excessively
experiencing maturation of innate ideas
watching and imitating a model’s behavior
pairing conditioned and unconditioned stimuli

As I grew up, I had prejudices of cowboys and indians. I got them from the movies, then playing cowboys and indians.

Which choice involves observing?

I hope this helps you reach your own conclusion.

According to the observational learning approach, stereotypes and prejudices are acquired through watching and imitating a model's behavior. To understand how this occurs, let me explain:

The observational learning approach is a psychological theory that suggests individuals learn new behaviors and attitudes by observing others. This learning process involves four stages: attention, retention, reproduction, and motivation. In the context of stereotypes and prejudices, individuals pay attention to and retain information about the behavior of role models or influential individuals in their social environment.

By observing and imitating the behavior of these models, individuals can acquire stereotypes and prejudices. For example, if someone observes a role model or authority figure expressing negative attitudes towards a particular group, they may adopt those same stereotypes and prejudices.

It's important to note that observational learning doesn't occur in isolation. Other factors, such as socialization and the media, also play significant roles in the formation and reinforcement of stereotypes and prejudices. However, the observational learning approach highlights the role of observing and imitating others' behavior in the acquisition of these biases.