-1/4x_> -5/8

the solution set is {x:x____ and ____}

multiply each side by -4


check that

Y don't U GOOGLE IT! as said 2 me from u, remember, "How do you find the are of complex figures?" so GOOGLE IT!!!

To solve the inequality -1/4x > -5/8, we'll follow these steps:

Step 1: Multiply both sides of the inequality by -4. Since we multiply by a negative number, the direction of the inequality sign will reverse.

-1/4x * -4 < -5/8 * -4

x < 10/8

Step 2: Simplify the right side of the inequality.

x < 10/8 can be simplified as x < 5/4.

So the solution set is {x: x < 5/4}. This means any value of x that is less than 5/4 will satisfy the inequality.