can you tell me meaning of this words.


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1.Embarked -- started

2.reins -- leather straps used to control a horse

3.turmoil -- confusion, disturbance

4.retrieved -- brought back

Certainly! Here are the meanings of the words you've mentioned:

1. Embarked: To "embark" means to begin or start a journey, especially by boarding a ship, aircraft, or other vehicle. It implies the act of getting on board and starting a voyage.

2. Reins: "Reins" are the straps or ropes attached to a horse's bridle, which a rider uses to control and direct the horse's movements. Figuratively, "reins" can refer to control, authority, or power over something.

3. Turmoil: "Turmoil" refers to a state of great confusion, disorder, or agitation. It implies a situation or period of time marked by turmoil, chaos, unrest, or disturbance.

4. Retrieved: "Retrieved" is the past tense of the verb "retrieve." To "retrieve" means to regain, recover, or bring back something that was lost, misplaced, or taken away. It implies the act of getting something back or obtaining it again.

To find the meanings of words, you can use various resources, including:

1. Dictionaries: Online or physical dictionaries are excellent tools for looking up the meanings of words. Websites like Merriam-Webster or Oxford English Dictionary offer comprehensive definitions, examples, and usage explanations.

2. Thesauruses: These resources provide synonyms, antonyms, and related words, which can give you a better understanding of a word's meaning.

3. Contextual analysis: Sometimes, the meaning of a word can be inferred from the surrounding text or the sentence in which it is used. Analyzing the context can help you grasp the intended definition.

4. Vocabulary apps: Another option is to use mobile apps specifically designed for improving vocabulary. Examples include "" or "WordUp Vocabulary."

Remember, it's always beneficial to explore different resources and read extensively to enhance your understanding of words and their meanings.