


I need to solve each system of equations by using the inverse of the coefficient matrix. Are these the correct answers. Thank you


You can check your answers by plugging those values for x, y, and z into each equation to determine if they work.

To check if the given values for x, y, and z are correct solutions for the system of equations, we can substitute these values back into the original equations and check if they satisfy all of them.

Let's substitute the values x=24, y=0, and z=-14 into the given system of equations:

Equation 1: 2x + 4z = -8
Replacing x=24 and z=-14:
2(24) + 4(-14) = -8
48 - 56 = -8
-8 = -8 (True)

Equation 2: 3x + y + 5z = 2
Replacing x=24, y=0, and z=-14:
3(24) + 0 + 5(-14) = 2
72 - 70 = 2
2 = 2 (True)

Equation 3: -x + y - 2z = 4
Replacing x=24, y=0, and z=-14:
-(24) + 0 - 2(-14) = 4
-24 + 28 = 4
4 = 4 (True)

Since all three equations are satisfied with the given values, x=24, y=0, and z=-14, we can conclude that these values are indeed correct solutions to the given system of equations.

Thus, your answers are correct.