find the other endpoint of a line segment with the given midpoint and one endpoint. Endpoint: (0,0) midpoint: (4, -3)

I would Double the midpoint and add on the endpoint
The other endpoint would be (8, -6)

is this correct?

Find the other end point of the line segment with the given endpoint and midpoint.

Endpoint; (-4,-4),(midpoint:(7,3)

Correct, you have it.

Thanks so much!

Yes, your approach is correct.

To find the other endpoint of a line segment given the midpoint and one endpoint, you can use the following steps:

1. Subtract the coordinates of the endpoint from the coordinates of the midpoint to find the difference:
Difference = (4, -3) - (0, 0) = (4 - 0, -3 - 0) = (4, -3).

2. Double the difference to get the vector from the midpoint to the other endpoint:
Vector = 2 * Difference = 2 * (4, -3) = (8, -6).

3. Finally, add the vector to the given endpoint to find the other endpoint:
Other Endpoint = (0, 0) + (8, -6) = (0 + 8, 0 + (-6)) = (8, -6).

Therefore, the other endpoint of the line segment is indeed (8, -6).