Why is there a higher rate of obesity amongst Hispanics compared to that of African-American young children?

I am trying to find articles on the above topic... I found a few but I really need some more articles... could u help me find some? Thx

Certainly! To find more articles on the topic of obesity rates among Hispanic and African-American children, you can follow the steps below:

1. Start by using a search engine like Google or Bing.
2. Enter relevant keywords related to the topic, such as "obesity rates Hispanic African-American children" or "obesity disparities Hispanic African-American youth."
3. Browse through the search results and look for reputable sources such as academic journals, research papers, or articles from reputable news outlets. These sources are more likely to provide reliable information.
4. To focus your search on academic sources, you can use databases like PubMed, JSTOR, or Google Scholar. These databases will provide scholarly articles and research papers on the topic.
5. Refine your search by adding more specific keywords if necessary, such as "socioeconomic factors" or "dietary habits" along with the previous keywords.
6. View the abstracts or summaries of the articles to determine if they are relevant to your research.
7. Once you find an article of interest, check its references or works cited section. This will help you find more articles on the same topic.
8. Additionally, you can also consider checking databases specific to healthcare or public health, such as the CDC's website or WHO's publications, which might have relevant reports or studies.
9. Remember to critically evaluate the sources by considering factors such as the credibility of the author, the publication date, and the methodology used in the research.
10. Save or bookmark the articles you find useful for later reference.

By following these steps, you should be able to find additional articles and sources on the topic of obesity rates among Hispanic and African-American children.