The major goal of parent education is to

A improve parenting skill
B help parents get jobs
C improve education of children
D provide social support

My answer is D

I disagree with your answer.

How can providing social support be a goal of educating men and women to be better parents?

To determine the major goal of parent education, we can start by analyzing the options provided. Let's look at each option individually:

A) Improve parenting skill: This option suggests that the major goal of parent education is to enhance the skills and knowledge of parents when it comes to raising children.

B) Help parents get jobs: This option implies that assisting parents in finding employment is the major objective of parent education.

C) Improve education of children: This option indicates that the primary goal of parent education is to enhance the educational outcomes and experiences of children.

D) Provide social support: This option suggests that parent education is primarily aimed at offering social support to parents.

To determine the correct answer, we need to consider the overall purpose of parent education. The primary aim of parent education is to empower parents with the knowledge, skills, and resources necessary to effectively raise and support their children. While choices A, C, and D all touch upon important aspects of parent education, the option that encompasses the broadest range of goals is choice D, provide social support.

Social support includes not only emotional support but also practical assistance and connections to resources and services that parents may need. By providing social support, parent education programs can help parents feel more confident in their ability to parent, improve their overall well-being, and strengthen their social networks. This, in turn, can positively impact their children's well-being and development.

So, your answer of D, provide social support, is correct.