Employment opportunities were limited in Tijuana. Manuel, who had been unemployed for several months, decided to join a group of people traveling north to find work.

What concept is described by the paragraph above?

A)population growth



D)sustainable development


The concept described in the paragraph above is C) push-pull.

Explanation: The paragraph indicates that Manuel, who was facing limited employment opportunities in Tijuana and had been unemployed for several months, decided to join a group of people traveling north to find work. This suggests that Manuel was pushed by the lack of employment opportunities in Tijuana and pulled by the prospect of finding work elsewhere. The push-pull concept refers to the factors that push individuals to leave their current location (such as limited job opportunities) and pull them towards another location (such as the availability of employment). In this case, Manuel's decision to join the group of people traveling north demonstrates the push-pull concept in action.

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