which of the following questions ia a thinker/doer most likely to ask?

What following questions??

children learn by repetition spaced over time.

A thinker/doer is someone who tends to think deeply and take action. They are often self-reflective and driven by a desire to explore and understand the world around them. Based on these characteristics, a thinker/doer is most likely to ask questions that require critical thinking and practical application. Here are a few examples:

1. "How can I devise a more efficient method to solve this problem?"
To answer this question, a thinker/doer will analyze the current problem-solving approach, evaluate potential improvements, and develop a practical strategy to achieve greater efficiency.

2. "What are the underlying causes of this social issue, and how can I contribute to its resolution?"
Here, a thinker/doer is seeking a deep understanding of the root causes behind a social issue. They aim to take action by leveraging their knowledge and skills to make a meaningful contribution towards resolving the problem.

3. "What are the key factors that lead to success in this field, and how can I apply them to achieve my goals?"
A thinker/doer may feel compelled to unravel the secrets behind success in a particular field. They will investigate and analyze various factors contributing to success and then actively apply those insights to reach their own goals.

In general, a thinker/doer's questions will typically involve both thoughtful analysis and practical application, demonstrating their dual nature of thinking deeply and taking action.