how do you say the state for tourists in spanish?

estado de touristas

"state of tourists"

is that what you're's a bit unclear

I am trying to say the state where the tourists travel

oh, well do you know which state it is?

el estado para los turistas


OR dónde viajan....


To say "state" in Spanish, you can use the word "estado." However, if you are referring to a state in the United States (like California, New York, Texas, etc.) or another country, you can use the word "estado" as well, but it is more common to use the word "estado" followed by the specific name of the state.

For example:
- "California" in Spanish is "California"
- "New York" in Spanish is "Nueva York"
- "Texas" in Spanish is "Texas"

So, to ask about a state as a tourist, you could say:
- "¿Cuál es el estado más visitado de Estados Unidos?" (Which is the most visited state in the United States?)
- "¿Cuál es el estado más turístico de México?" (Which is the most touristy state in Mexico?)

Remember, when asking a question, it's important to use the correct verb conjugation and word order in a sentence.