Find the complement of „£B.

To find the complement of £B, we need to understand what complement means in this context. In set theory, the complement of a set refers to all the elements that are not part of that set.

To find the complement of £B, we first need to know what £B represents and what the universal set is. The universal set, denoted by Ω, is the set that contains all the elements under consideration.

If we assume the universal set Ω is known, the complement of £B can be found by subtracting £B from the universal set Ω. In other words, it consists of all the elements in Ω that are not present in £B.

Alternatively, if Ω is not explicitly given, we could consider the complement of £B as the set of all possible elements outside of £B. However, it would be important to clarify the context or any additional information available to accurately determine the complement.