what are the powers that had claims in noth american in the caribbean?

in 1763 what two power dominated in the north america?
what natural boundary separted british territory from lousiana?



Take a look. What is it that separates Louisiana (find New Orleans) and points west from the rest of the US to the east? (Click on the map to make it larger and easier to read.)

To find out about the powers that had claims in North America and the Caribbean, you can start by researching the history of colonization in the region. Several European powers had claims and established colonies in these areas during different time periods.

In 1763, the two dominant powers in North America were Great Britain and France. This period marked the end of the French and Indian War (also known as the Seven Years' War), which led to significant territorial changes in North America.

To find information about the natural boundary that separated British territory from Louisiana in 1763, you can refer to historical maps, documents, and resources. One important natural boundary during that time was the Mississippi River, which served as a dividing line between British territories to the east and Spanish territories to the west, including Louisiana.

By conducting additional research and studying historical resources, you can gain a deeper understanding of the colonial powers and boundaries in North America and the Caribbean during different time periods.