What does conduissez mean in french?

The root word is defined here.


Also, if there is no subject pronoun with it, it will be a formal (vous) command = drive, etc.

Sra (aka Mme)

"Conduissez" is the second person plural form of the verb "conduire" in French. It translates to "drive" in English.

To find the meaning of a word in a foreign language, you can use various resources. Here are a few methods:

1. Online dictionaries: Websites like WordReference, Reverso, or Google Translate offer translations, definitions, and contextual usage of words in multiple languages.

2. Language-learning apps: Applications such as Duolingo, Babbel, or Rosetta Stone provide vocabulary lists, translations, and quizzes to help you learn new words and phrases.

3. Printed dictionaries: Traditional paper dictionaries are still widely used and can provide accurate definitions and translations.

4. Language reference books: Grammar and vocabulary books, like those published by Oxford or Collins, often include comprehensive word lists and explanations.

Remember that it's essential to cross-reference different sources to ensure accuracy and to consider context when interpreting the meaning of words.