identify infinitves and write how it is used which are noun adjective or adverb

1)To UNDERSTAND the difference between a democracy and a republic is important :noun

2)The captain struggled to REGAIN control of the foundering ship:adverb

3)Megellan's ship was the first to CIRCUMNAVIGATE the globe:adjective

4)The political prisoner refused to DENOUNCE his principles:noun

5)The class approved the decision to offer tutoring services to younger children:adverb

6)Kara's plan is to TAKE a trip to Australia next year:adverb

7)The hill above the town is the best place to WATCH the firwroks:adjective

8)Prospective team members must promise to ATTEND regular practice sessions: noun

Six of your answers are correct.

5) TO OFFER is an adjective, modifying "decision."

6) TO TAKE is a noun, used as the predicate nominative after the linking verb "is."

I assumed you knew what an infinitive is. Now I'm not so sure.

The infinitive is TO plus the verb.


1) To UNDERSTAND the difference between a democracy and a republic is important: Here, the infinitive "to understand" functions as a noun (the subject of the sentence) and indicates an action or concept. It explains what is important.

2) The captain struggled to REGAIN control of the foundering ship: In this sentence, the infinitive "to regain" acts as an adverb. It modifies the verb "struggled" and describes the purpose or intention behind the captain's struggle.

3) Megellan's ship was the first to CIRCUMNAVIGATE the globe: The infinitive "to circumnavigate" functions as an adjective here. It modifies the noun "ship" and describes the ship's achievement, indicating what it did.

4) The political prisoner refused to DENOUNCE his principles: Again, the infinitive "to denounce" acts as a noun here. It is the direct object of the verb "refused" and indicates the action the political prisoner refused to take.

5) The class approved the decision to OFFER tutoring services to younger children: Here, the infinitive "to offer" functions as an adverb. It modifies the verb "approved" and explains why the class approved the decision.

6) Kara's plan is to TAKE a trip to Australia next year: The infinitive "to take" acts as an adverb in this sentence. It modifies the verb "is" and explains the purpose or intention of Kara's plan.

7) The hill above the town is the best place to WATCH the fireworks: In this sentence, the infinitive "to watch" functions as an adjective. It modifies the noun "place" and indicates the purpose or use of the hill.

8) Prospective team members must promise to ATTEND regular practice sessions: Finally, the infinitive "to attend" acts as a noun here. It is the direct object of the verb "promise" and indicates the action that prospective team members must do.