The Syrian ruler who defiled the Jewish Temple altar and martyred many Jews was

A)Ptolemy Philopator

B)Alexander the Great

C)Herod Antipas

D)Antiochus Epiphanes

E)Caesar Augustus

D-Antiochus Epephanes

caesar agustus

Maria is correct it is D

The Syrian ruler who defiled the Jewish Temple altar and martyred many Jews was D) Antiochus Epiphanes.

To find the answer, you can study the history of the Jewish people and their encounters with various rulers. In this case, Antiochus Epiphanes is known for his actions against the Jews during the Maccabean Revolt, which took place in the 2nd century BCE. During this time, Antiochus Epiphanes outlawed Judaism, desecrated the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem, and carried out brutal persecution against the Jews.

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