Convert 265 torr to pascals.

265 torr= ? Pa
(760 torr= 1.01325*10^5)

How do I go about solving this?

265 torr x (101325*10^5 Pa/760 torr) = ?? Pa.

Note that we started with the unit we wish to convert and multiplied by a factor (in the problem but you could have looked it up) that cancels the unit we don't want (in this case Torr) and leaves the unit we want (in this case Pa). All conversions work this way.

To convert 265 torr to pascals, you can follow these steps:

1. Determine the conversion factor from torr to pascals. The conversion factor is given as 760 torr = 1.01325 * 10^5 pascals.

2. Set up a proportion to solve for the unknown value. In this case, we want to find the value in pascals, so we can set up the proportion as follows:

(265 torr) / (x pascals) = (760 torr) / (1.01325 * 10^5 pascals)

3. Solve the proportion for the unknown value, which is x pascals. Cross-multiply and divide to isolate x:

(265 torr) * (1.01325 * 10^5 pascals) = (760 torr) * (x pascals)

(265 * 1.01325) * 10^5 = 760 * x

x pascals = [(265 * 1.01325) * 10^5] / 760

x pascals ≈ 35,314.08 pascals

Therefore, 265 torr is approximately equal to 35,314.08 pascals.