trying to Capitalize the proper nouns in the sentence

Here's the sentence you posted.

She and mom got to the Dock late.

Mom is a proper noun since you're using it as her name.

Dock should not be capitalized unless it refers to a specific business like a restaurant.

She and Mom got to the dock late.

To capitalize proper nouns in a sentence, you need to identify the words that represent specific names of people, places, organizations, etc. Proper nouns are typically capitalized to distinguish them from common nouns or general terms. Here's how you can capitalize proper nouns in a sentence:

1. Identify the proper nouns: Read through the sentence and locate words that refer to specific entities. Proper nouns can be names of people (e.g., "John"), places (e.g., "Paris"), organizations (e.g., "Google"), or titles/names of books, movies, etc.

2. Capitalize the proper nouns: Once you've identified the proper nouns, make sure to capitalize the first letter of each word. Leave the rest of the word in lowercase unless it is an acronym (e.g., "NASA").

For example, let's consider the sentence: "i studied biology, chemistry, and math at the university of california, berkeley."

To capitalize the proper nouns, you would rewrite the sentence as: "I studied Biology, Chemistry, and Math at the University of California, Berkeley."

Remember, it's important not to capitalize common nouns or general terms unless they appear at the beginning of a sentence.