'Snow can sometimes threaten the lives of moutain people.'

snow- subject
can- helping verb
sometimes- adv.
threaten- action verb
of moutain people- prep.

It's all correct, but "of" is the prepostion. "Of mountain people" is the prepositional phrase modifying "lives."

what do you mean by modifing lives?

The phrase is an adjective phrase that is used to describe the noun "lives."

You have accurately identified the parts of speech in the sentence "Snow can sometimes threaten the lives of mountain people."

- "Snow" is the subject of the sentence.
- "Can" is a helping verb that indicates possibility or ability.
- "Sometimes" is an adverb that modifies the frequency of the action.
- "Threaten" is the action verb, expressing the action of posing a danger or harm.
- "Of mountain people" is a prepositional phrase that indicates the object of the action, specifying whose lives are being threatened.

Understanding the parts of speech helps to break down and analyze the sentence, giving us a clearer understanding of its structure.