This is the question given:

"Peanuts sell for $5/kg and cashews for $20/kg. Mary wants to sell a mixture of peanuts and cashews for $12/kg. How many kilograms of peanuts and cashews would Mary have to mix in order to make 30kg of the $12/kg mixture?"

This is an algebra question and I need to use "proper format" any suggestions?

My suggestion is to solve these two equations in two unknowns:

C + P = 30
5P + 20 C = 12*30 = 360
Here's how to solve. Multiply first equation by 5.

5P + 5C = 150

Subtract last equation fron second equation.

15C = 210
C = 14 kg
P = 30 - 14 = 16 kg

To solve this algebra question, you can represent the unknown quantities as variables. Let's assume that Mary needs to mix x kilograms of peanuts and y kilograms of cashews to make a total of 30 kilograms of the $12/kg mixture.

Since peanuts are priced at $5/kg and cashews at $20/kg, we can set up the equation for the cost of the mixture as:

5x + 20y = 12 * 30

In this equation, 5x represents the cost of x kilograms of peanuts, 20y represents the cost of y kilograms of cashews, and 12 * 30 represents the total cost of the 30kg mixture at $12/kg.

Using this equation, you can solve for the values of x and y, which represent the kilograms of peanuts and cashews, respectively, that Mary needs to mix.