Tara was out selling girl scout cookies. She noticed that the caramel cookies were the most popular, with lemon cookies being the next most favored. She actually sold three boxes lemons cookies for every four boxes of caramel cookies. If she sold 63 boxes of caramel cookies altogther, how many boxes of cameral cookies were sold? Thank you for your help.



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To find out how many boxes of caramel cookies were sold, we can set up a proportion using the given ratio.

Let's assume the number of lemon cookies sold is x. Based on the information given, the ratio of lemon cookies to caramel cookies is 3:4.

This can be written as:

x / 63 = 3 / 4

To solve for x, we can first cross multiply:

4x = 63 * 3

Multiplying, we get:

4x = 189

Now, divide both sides of the equation by 4 to isolate x:

x = 189 / 4

Simplifying, we find that x = 47.25

Since we cannot have fractional boxes of cookies, we can assume Tara sold 47 boxes of lemon cookies.

Now, we can find the number of boxes of caramel cookies.

If Tara sold 63 boxes of caramel cookies in total, and for every 4 boxes of caramel cookies, she sold 3 boxes of lemon cookies, we can set up another proportion.

Let y represent the number of boxes of caramel cookies sold.

We can set up the proportion as follows:

3 / 4 = 47 / y

Cross multiplying, we get:

4 * 47 = 3 * y

Multiplying, we find:

188 = 3y

Now, divide both sides by 3 to isolate y:

y = 188 / 3

Simplifying, we find that y = 62.67

Again, since we cannot have fractional boxes of cookies, we can assume Tara sold 62 boxes of caramel cookies.

Therefore, Tara sold 62 boxes of caramel cookies.

To solve this problem, we need to calculate the number of boxes of caramel cookies sold.

We know that Tara sold three boxes of lemon cookies for every four boxes of caramel cookies. This means that for every 3 + 4 = 7 boxes sold, 4 of them are caramel cookies.

Now, we need to find out how many sets of 7 boxes were sold to reach a total of 63 boxes of caramel cookies. We can set up a proportion to solve for the number of sets:

4 boxes of caramel cookies / 7 boxes = 63 boxes of caramel cookies / x sets of 7 boxes

Cross-multiplying the proportion, we get:

4 * x sets = 7 * 63 boxes

Simplifying, we have:

4x = 441

Dividing both sides by 4 to solve for x, we get:

x = 110.25

Since we're dealing with whole numbers of sets, we know that Tara could not have sold 110.25 sets. Therefore, we need to round down to the nearest whole number, which is 110 sets.

To find out how many boxes of caramel cookies were sold, we multiply the number of sets by the number of boxes in each set:

Number of boxes = 110 sets * 7 boxes/set = 770 boxes

So, Tara sold a total of 770 boxes of caramel cookies.