On Anne's bicycle, the ratio of pedal turns to rear-wheel turns in second gear is 4 to 7. If her rear

wheel turns 994 times per mile, how many times does she turn the pedal in one mile? Express your
answer as an integer or mixed number.

I believe the answer would be 568.

994 divided by 7= 142
142*4= 568

I was thinking it would be 994/ 4/7...I don't know if I am over thinking...

I take that back...994*4/7


To solve this problem, we can set up a proportion using the given information and solve for the desired quantity. Here's how:

Let's assign variables to the quantities we're trying to find:
Let "x" be the number of pedal turns Anne makes in one mile.

From the given information, we know that the ratio of pedal turns to rear-wheel turns in second gear is 4 to 7. This means that for every 4 pedal turns, there are 7 rear-wheel turns.

In other words, we can set up the proportion:
(pedal turns)/(rear-wheel turns) = 4/7

Since we want to find the number of pedal turns in one mile, we need to set up the proportion using miles as the common unit of measurement:
(x pedal turns)/(994 rear-wheel turns) = 4/7

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply and then divide:
7 * x = 4 * 994
7x = 3976

Divide both sides of the equation by 7:
x = 3976 / 7

Performing the division, we get:
x ≈ 568

Therefore, Anne turns the pedal approximately 568 times in one mile.

wouldn't it be 4/7 of that?