Could someone give me a short summary/bullet of the economic significance of the great voyages of discovery in particular for venice/portugal?


Certainly! The great voyages of discovery had a significant economic impact on both Venice and Portugal. Here's a summary of their economic significance:

1. Control of Mediterranean Trade: Venice's strategic location allowed it to dominate Mediterranean trade routes. By participating in the voyages, Venice gained access to new markets and expanded its trade network.
2. Wealth and Trade Expansion: Venetian merchants profited from the discovery of new trade routes to the East. They acquired valuable goods, such as spices, silk, and precious metals, greatly enhancing their economic wealth.
3. Maritime Power: The voyages contributed to the growth of Venice's naval power, giving it control over key maritime routes. This enhanced security and protected its economic interests.

1. New Trade Routes: Portugal's explorations led to the discovery of sea routes to Asia, bypassing traditional overland routes controlled by the Ottomans. This gave Portugal a monopoly on the spice trade, bringing immense wealth and economic prosperity to the country.
2. Established Overseas Empires: Portuguese expeditions resulted in the establishment of colonies and trading posts across Africa, Asia, and the Americas. These territories provided Portugal with valuable resources, such as gold, silver, sugar, and slaves, greatly enriching its economy.
3. Technological Innovations: The voyages spurred advances in shipbuilding and navigation techniques. Portugal developed the caravel, a highly maneuverable and seaworthy vessel, which revolutionized maritime travel and boosted Portuguese trade.

To explore this topic further, you can search for specific details about the voyages of Marco Polo, Vasco da Gama, and other explorers, as well as their impact on the economies of both Venice and Portugal.