write an equation of the line containing the given point and parallel to the given line (-2,3)2x=7y+9


Given point is P: (x1,y1)=(-2,3)

Given line is L: Ax=By+C (2x=7y+9)

A line passing through P and parallel to L is given by:
rearrange to the form
y=mx+B if possible.

To write the equation of a line parallel to another line, we need to determine the slope of the given line.

First, let's put the given equation in slope-intercept form, which is in the form y = mx + b, where "m" represents the slope.

Start by isolating "y" in the given equation:
2x = 7y + 9

Subtract 9 from both sides:
2x - 9 = 7y

Divide both sides by 7 to isolate "y":
(2x - 9) / 7 = y

Now we have the equation in slope-intercept form: y = (2/7)x - 9/7. We can see that the slope of the given line is 2/7.

Since we want to find the equation of a line parallel to this one, it will also have a slope of 2/7.

Next, we can use the point-slope form of the equation of a line, which is represented as y - y₁ = m(x - x₁), where "m" is the slope and (x₁, y₁) is a point on the line. In this case, the point is (-2, 3).

Substituting the values into the equation, we have:
y - 3 = (2/7)(x - (-2))

Simplifying further:
y - 3 = (2/7)(x + 2)

To get rid of the fraction, we can multiply every term by 7:
7y - 21 = 2(x + 2)

Distributing 2 to both terms inside the parentheses:
7y - 21 = 2x + 4

Now we can rearrange the equation to make it have the standard form, Ax + By = C:
2x - 7y = -25

Therefore, the equation of the line parallel to the given line (-2, 3)2x = 7y + 9 is 2x - 7y = -25.