how do you say these in spanish

You can go by car, train, bus, or walk.

plan for a day in the city

To say "You can go by car, train, bus, or walk" in Spanish, you can say:

"Puedes ir en coche, tren, autobús o caminando."

To explain how to get the translation:
1. Start by identifying the subject and verb in the English sentence. In this case, the subject is "You" and the verb is "can go."
2. Translate the verb "can go" into Spanish. The word "can" can be translated as "puedes" when referring to the second person singular (informal "you").
3. Next, translate the different modes of transportation: "car" translates to "coche," "train" translates to "tren," "bus" translates to "autobús," and "walk" translates to "caminando."
4. Finally, connect the verb "can go" with the transportation options using the word "en" to indicate "by," followed by the translations of each mode of transport.