What is the gradient of Clifty Creek 1300 & 1240 feet? _____ ft/mile

To determine the gradient between two points, we need to divide the change in elevation by the horizontal distance between those points. In this case, to find the gradient between Clifty Creek at 1300 feet and Clifty Creek at 1240 feet, we need to know the horizontal distance between these two points.

If we have the horizontal distance in miles, we can calculate the gradient in feet per mile. To calculate the gradient, follow these steps:

1. Determine the vertical change (elevation change) between the two points by subtracting the lower elevation from the higher elevation. In this case, we subtract 1240 feet from 1300 feet:
Vertical Change = 1300 ft - 1240 ft = 60 feet

2. Determine the horizontal distance between the two points.

If you have the horizontal distance in miles, proceed to step 3.

If you don't have the distance in miles but have the distance in feet, you will need to convert it to miles. Divide the distance by 5280 feet (which is the number of feet in a mile).

Let's assume the horizontal distance is 2 miles.

3. Divide the vertical change by the horizontal distance to get the gradient in feet per mile.
Gradient = Vertical Change / Horizontal Distance = 60 ft / 2 miles = 30 ft/mile

Therefore, the gradient of Clifty Creek 1300 feet to 1240 feet is 30 ft/mile.