what does the word "boodle" mean?

It depends upon how it's used.

Check these definitions.


In the progressive era, is was a term for illegal money.


Is interesting on a variant of that word.

The word "boodle" refers to a slang term that can have a few different meanings depending on the context. To find the meaning of the word, you can consult a reliable dictionary or use an online search engine. Let me explain how you can do that:

1. Use a dictionary: Look for a comprehensive dictionary, either in print or online. Websites like Merriam-Webster or Oxford English Dictionary are good options. Search for "boodle" and it will provide you with the definition(s) of the word.

2. Online search engine: If you prefer to search online, you can use search engines like Google. Type "boodle meaning" in the search bar. The search results will display various definitions, examples, and references to help you understand the word.

It's important to remember that language is dynamic, and meanings of words can change over time or vary within different regions or contexts. Therefore, using reputable sources like dictionaries will give you the most accurate and up-to-date information on word meanings.