Juan says when you put together unequal groups,you can only add is she correct Explain

no. One can subtract smaller from the larger.

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To determine if Juan's statement is correct, we need to understand what it means to put together unequal groups and add them.

When we talk about adding unequal groups, it typically means combining two or more groups or sets that have different quantities. For example, if we have one group with 3 apples and another group with 5 apples, when we add them together, we get a total of 8 apples.

However, Juan's statement suggests that when adding unequal groups, the only operation we can perform is addition. This is not correct. When dealing with unequal groups, we have various mathematical operations we can perform, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

For instance, if we have one group with 3 apples and another group with 5 apples, we can not only add them together to get 8 apples but also subtract one group from the other to find the difference (5 apples - 3 apples = 2 apples), multiply the groups to find the total number of apples (3 apples x 5 apples = 15 apples), or divide one group by another to find the ratio or fraction (5 apples ÷ 3 apples = 1.67).

Therefore, Juan's statement is incorrect. When you put together unequal groups, you have multiple mathematical operations available, not just addition.