A land developer wants to develop 20 acres of land. Each lot in the development is to be 5/4 of an acre. How many lots will the land developer have in the 20 acres? Can you please just explain how to do the promblem.

750,000 is your answer

the fraction was 4/5 not 5/4

A land developer is dividing 20 acres of land into

of an acre lots. If each lot is sold for $15,000, what is the total value of the 20 acres?

To determine the number of lots the land developer will have in 20 acres, you need to divide the total land area by the size of each lot.

Step 1: Convert 20 acres into a fraction.
Since one acre is equal to 4/4 or 1 whole, we can express 20 acres as 20 * (4/4) = 80/4.

Step 2: Divide the total land area by the size of each lot.
To divide a fraction by another fraction, we multiply the first fraction by the reciprocal of the second fraction. In this case, we have (80/4) ÷ (5/4).

Step 3: Simplify the division operation.
The numerator (80/4) and the denominator (5/4) both have a common denominator of 4. We can eliminate the denominators by multiplying the numerator by the reciprocal of the denominator.

(80/4) ÷ (5/4) = (80/4) * (4/5)

Step 4: Simplify the multiplication.
Multiply the numerators: 80 * 4 = 320
Multiply the denominators: 4 * 5 = 20

The simplified result is 320/20.

Step 5: Reduce the fraction.
To simplify the fraction, find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of the numerator and denominator, and divide both by the GCD.

The GCD of 320 and 20 is 20. Dividing both numerator and denominator by 20 gives:

320/20 = 16/1

Step 6: Determine the number of lots.
Since each lot is 5/4 of an acre, dividing the total land area (20 acres) by the size of each lot (5/4 acre) gives:

(16/1) ÷ (5/4) = (16/1) * (4/5)

Multiply the numerators: 16 * 4 = 64
Multiply the denominators: 1 * 5 = 5

The simplified result is 64/5.

Step 7: Divide the numerator by the denominator.
To determine the whole number of lots, divide the numerator (64) by the denominator (5) using long division:

5 | 64

The result is 12, with a remainder of 4.

Step 8: The Answer
The land developer will have 12 lots (whole number) with a remaining area of 4/5 of a lot (remainder) in the 20-acre development.

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