One last question....

Which of these two metals (Aluminum or Copper) would be a better choice to make silverware out of?

Specific heat of:
Al = .901
Cu = .39

my guess was the aluminum, because it would take longer for it to get hot, since it requires more heat. This would benefit if there was a hot dish.

... But i'm not sure. What are your thoughts?

Thanks :]

I answered this exact question earlier. I assume it was posted by the same person although perhaps under another screen name.


To determine which metal would be a better choice to make silverware, we can consider their specific heat capacities.

Specific heat capacity is the amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of a substance by a certain amount. The higher the specific heat capacity, the more heat energy is required to raise the temperature of the substance.

In this case, aluminum has a specific heat capacity of 0.901, while copper has a specific heat capacity of 0.39.

Based on these values, we can conclude that aluminum would take longer to heat up compared to copper. This means that when you use aluminum silverware to handle hot dishes, it will take longer for the heat to transfer from the dish to the silverware compared to using copper silverware.

Therefore, your guess that aluminum would be a better choice is correct. Aluminum silverware would be a better option when serving hot dishes, as it would provide better insulation and reduce the risk of burns.