I have to think of things, facts, or people I know. I have to write a paragraph about them. Write at least eight sentences, four of which must be in the Passé Composé.Can you check the paragraph and see if its correct and see if i put it in Passé Composé.

Mon meilleur ami aime chanter.Elle chante beaucoup. Elle est brune et grands. Elle aime parler au téléphone. Elle est très intelligente. Elle aime lire des livres.

My best friend likes to sing. She sings alot. She is brown and tall. She likes to talk on the phone. She is very smart. She likes to read books.

Since your friend is female = Ma meilleure amie...brune et grande...

Sra (aka Mme)

Write at least eight sentences, four of which must use savoir, four of which must use connaître. Of each set of those four, 2 of each verb must be in the passé composé. Use a variety of subjects pronouns (I, you, he/she, we, they).

The paragraph you have written contains six sentences, four of which are in the Passé Composé. However, I noticed a few errors that can be corrected to improve the paragraph.

Here is the corrected paragraph with eight sentences, four of which are in the Passé Composé:

Mon meilleur ami aime chanter. Il a chanté lors de nombreux concerts. Il est brun et grand. Il a récemment parlé au téléphone avec sa famille à l'étranger. Il a montré sa grande intelligence lors d'un quiz. Il a déjà lu des livres fantastiques. Il était passionné par l'histoire qu'il a étudiée. Il a voyagé dans de nombreux pays pour en apprendre davantage sur différentes cultures.

My best friend likes to sing. He has sung in many concerts. He is brown and tall. He recently talked on the phone with his family abroad. He demonstrated his great intelligence during a quiz. He has already read some fantastic books. He was passionate about the history he studied. He has traveled to many countries to learn more about different cultures.

Please note that the changes made include correcting the gender agreement (changing "elle" to "il" in order to match "ami") and adding the necessary auxiliary verbs in the Passé Composé form (such as "a chanté," "a parlé," "a montré," "a lu," "a étudiée," and "a voyagé").