Write an equation in standard form for the line whose slope is undefined that passes through (5,-3)

Please help me solve, my answer is 5x-3y=0... It was marked wrong and i can not seem to figure it out.

y=0-3 ? so simplified y=-3

Not really, for example, a line of slope m that passes through a point (7,6) would be written as:

y-7 = mx -6m
transposing -7 to the right,
y=mx - 6m +7
would be a line of slope m passing through the point (7,6).

Now can you try to figure out a line with slope m that passes through (5,-3)?

The equation you provided, 5x - 3y = 0, is actually correct. However, let's go through the steps to ensure we have the correct answer.

Given that the slope is undefined, it means that the line is vertical. A vertical line is characterized by having the same x-coordinate for all points. In this case, the line passes through the point (5, -3), so the value of x will always be 5 for any point on the line.

To find the equation of the line, we need to determine the value of y. Since we know the line passes through (5, -3), we can substitute these values into the equation:

5x - 3y = 0

Substituting x = 5 and y = -3:

5(5) - 3(-3) = 0
25 + 9 = 0
34 ≠ 0

Since 34 ≠ 0, this equation is not true, which indicates that the point (5, -3) does not belong to the line represented by the equation. Therefore, it seems there might be an error in your original statement.

Please double-check the given information and make sure you have the correct point and slope values.

For a given (but unknown) slope m, the standard equation is


If the line passes through a point (x1,y1), the equation of the line is
in the given question, (x1,y1)=(5,-3), so you can figure out the equation in terms of m.

You welcome to post your answer for a check.