Find decimal and fractional notation for the percent notation in each sentence. Be sure to simplify fractions. They are based on a 2,000 calorie day. 1 ounce provides 9% of the mdv of fat

9% = 0.09 = 9/100

Sorry, smiley went astray

To find the decimal notation for the percent notation, you simply divide the percentage value by 100. In this case, the percent notation is 9%.

To convert it to decimal notation, divide 9% by 100:

9% รท 100 = 0.09

Therefore, the decimal notation for 9% is 0.09.

To find the fractional notation for the percent, you can write the decimal as a fraction. In this case, the decimal notation is 0.09.

To convert it to a fraction, write the decimal as the numerator and 1 as the denominator. Then simplify the fraction if possible.

The fraction equivalent of 0.09 is:

0.09 = 9/100

Since the fraction 9/100 cannot be simplified further, the fractional notation for 9% is 9/100.