Please verify:

the workers that were generally better off in America than Europe before 1860 would have been the skilled workers?

The most important iron manufacturing center in the South was the Atlanta Iron Foundry?

Utopian societies emerged in the antebellem US in response to expanding capitalist economy dependent on slavery?

Those were multiple choice questions with the answers I chose indicated.

The next ones to come are too, but I don't know which choice, I tried reading and can't find them:
The ideology of free soil and free labor was
a. based on the moral arguments of abolitionists
b. gained support in southern churches
c. denounced slavery as harmful to blacks
d. criticized how slavery limited opportunities for common whites

By summer of 1862 union forces had control of
a. entire missippi rivr
b. most of alabama and mississipi
c. all confederate states along east coast except virginia
d. new orleans and the missispi river as far south as memphis

The new york draft riots
a. killed more than 400
b. were lead by working men who directed their anger toward african amer
c. were instigated by freed slaves who targeted confed sympathisiers living in lower manhatten
d. quickly spread to philadelphia and newark

Please help!

To verify the given multiple-choice answers and find the correct ones, we can break down the questions and eliminate incorrect options based on historical knowledge.

1. The workers that were generally better off in America than Europe before 1860 would have been the skilled workers?

This statement is generally accurate. Skilled workers in America had better opportunities and higher wages compared to their counterparts in Europe during this time period.

2. The most important iron manufacturing center in the South was the Atlanta Iron Foundry?

This statement is incorrect. The most important iron manufacturing center in the South before the Civil War was the Tredegar Iron Works in Richmond, Virginia, not the Atlanta Iron Foundry.

3. Utopian societies emerged in the antebellum US in response to expanding capitalist economy dependent on slavery?

This statement is partially true. While some utopian societies emerged in response to societal changes during the antebellum period, not all of them were a direct response to the expanding capitalist economy dependent on slavery. Some were formed for religious or ideological reasons. Utopian societies were diverse in their motivations.

Moving on to the remaining multiple-choice questions you need help with:

4. The ideology of free soil and free labor was:
a. based on the moral arguments of abolitionists
b. gained support in southern churches
c. denounced slavery as harmful to blacks
d. criticized how slavery limited opportunities for common whites

To find the correct answer, we can eliminate options based on our knowledge.

Option (b) can be eliminated because free soil and free labor ideologies were not supported by southern churches that relied on slavery.

Option (c) can be eliminated because although the ideology did recognize slavery as harmful, it wasn't solely focused on its impact on blacks.

Option (d) is the correct choice. The ideology of free soil and free labor criticized how slavery limited opportunities for common whites, particularly in the western territories.

5. By the summer of 1862, Union forces had control of:
a. entire Mississippi River
b. most of Alabama and Mississippi
c. all Confederate states along the East Coast except Virginia
d. New Orleans and the Mississippi River as far south as Memphis

To find the correct answer, let's eliminate options based on historical knowledge.

Option (b) can be eliminated because by the summer of 1862, Union forces did not have control over most of Alabama and Mississippi.

Option (c) can also be eliminated because they did not have control over all Confederate states along the East Coast except Virginia.

Option (d) is the correct choice. By the summer of 1862, Union forces had captured New Orleans and had control over the Mississippi River as far south as Memphis.

6. The New York draft riots:
a. killed more than 400
b. were led by working men who directed their anger toward African Americans
c. were instigated by freed slaves who targeted Confederate sympathizers living in Lower Manhattan
d. quickly spread to Philadelphia and Newark

To find the correct answer, let's eliminate options based on historical knowledge.

Option (b) can be eliminated because while there was violence against African Americans during the New York draft riots, it was not exclusively directed towards them.

Option (c) can be eliminated because the riots were not instigated by freed slaves targeting Confederate sympathizers.

Option (d) can also be eliminated because the New York draft riots did not quickly spread to Philadelphia and Newark.

Option (a) is the correct choice. The New York draft riots resulted in the deaths of more than 400 people.

Remember, as an AI, my responses are based on historical knowledge and deductions. It's always important to double-check information using trusted sources for complete accuracy.