Ms. Sue you know the letter I posted, I am not sure if I have included this part in it: Explain why it is undesirable to improve working conditions. This was the part that I was stuck on as well.

I think you covered that when you pointed out that business owners made a bigger profit using children as laborers.

Also, they might have argued that it was good training for children to work hard.

thank you so much for all your help:-)

You're very welcome, Sara.

To explain why it is undesirable to improve working conditions, you can consider the following points:

1. Cost implications: Improving working conditions often requires a financial investment. Some employers may view this as burdensome, as it directly affects their bottom line. They may argue that it is more cost-effective to maintain the current working conditions rather than investing in improvements.

2. Competitive disadvantage: If one company decides to invest in improving working conditions, it may lead to higher operating costs compared to their competitors who do not make the same investment. This could put them at a competitive disadvantage as they may struggle to offer the same prices or profit margins.

3. Resistance to change: People often have a resistance to change, and improving working conditions might entail changing existing routines, processes, or infrastructure. Such changes can disrupt productivity or require additional training, leading to temporary decreases in efficiency and potential employee resistance.

4. Inefficiencies: Some may argue that focusing on improving working conditions diverts attention and resources away from other important aspects of the business. They may believe that the company should instead prioritize productivity, innovation, and profitability over employee comfort.

However, it is important to note that the majority of organizations recognize the benefits of improving working conditions. Research has consistently shown a positive correlation between better working conditions and employee morale, productivity, and overall organizational success. So, while there may be some reasons to consider why improving working conditions could be seen as undesirable, it is generally recognized as a crucial aspect for creating a positive work environment and ensuring the well-being of employees.