What other strategies have been proposed to end child labour?

Restrictions for age limits for certain jobs, the amount of times per day and which days. Restrictions for salary apply as well.

Please list more on here that you know,thanks.

Check this site for child labour laws in Canada.


What other strategies have been proposed to end child labour?

Restrictions for age limits for certain jobs, the amount of times per day and which days. Restrictions for salary apply as well. The safety for these young youths at work is ensured. The workplace for these young youths is ensured to be healthy and safe. Children and youths are given full right to work under the age of 18 as long as they do not develop health problems, welfare, or safety, or interference with school attendence. Youths are given the right to start applying for a job at the age of 14 in most industries and occupations. Some restrictions follow, but there are some exceptions to them.

Thank you, Ms. Sue for helping me, is this a better answer?

In addition to age and work hours restrictions, several strategies have been proposed to end child labor. Here are some of the key strategies:

1. Education: Providing access to quality education is crucial in preventing child labor. By ensuring that all children have the opportunity to attend school, it reduces the likelihood of them being engaged in labor.

2. Poverty alleviation: Poverty is a major underlying factor contributing to child labor. Implementing poverty reduction programs and social safety nets can help alleviate the economic pressures that push children into work.

3. Awareness campaigns: Raising awareness about the consequences of child labor is essential. This can be done through community initiatives, media campaigns, and educational programs that highlight the negative impact on children's health, development, and future prospects.

4. Enforcing labor laws: Strengthening and enforcing existing labor laws can help combat child labor. This includes monitoring workplaces, conducting inspections, and imposing penalties on employers who employ underage children.

5. Promoting responsible supply chains: Encouraging businesses and consumers to prioritize ethical sourcing and responsible supply chains helps combat child labor. Companies can implement strict guidelines and audits to ensure their supply chains are free from child labor.

6. Empowering communities: Investing in community development programs that focus on income generation, vocational training, and alternative livelihoods can empower families to sustain themselves without relying on child labor.

7. International collaboration: Cooperation between governments, international organizations, and NGOs is crucial to address child labor effectively. Sharing best practices, exchanging information, and supporting each other's initiatives can create a collective effort towards ending child labor globally.

To gather more comprehensive and updated information on this topic, I would recommend exploring reports and resources provided by international organizations such as the International Labour Organization (ILO) and UNICEF.