Is this correct? "Accion de gracias feliz! Nosotros deseo ustedes tenidas unasvacaciones alegres! Feliz dia del pavo!" I am trying to say, "Happy Thanksgiving! We wish you all had a joyful holiday! Happy Turkey day!"

Felía día de dar acción de gracias = is the entire expression.

Be sure the verb (desear) agrees with the subject = Nosotros deseamos que ustedes tengan unas vacationes alegres.

*because you have a wish for someone else, you MUST use the Subjunctive (which you may not have had yet. The stem is usually from the "yo" form Present Tense, with -ar verbs using the theme vowel "E" an d -er and -ir verbs using the theme vowel "A"

unas vacaciones are "vacation" but a joyful holiday is better with "un alegre día festivo"


i think what ur looking for is

Happy Thanksgiving! Deseamos que todos hayan tenido un día de fiesta alegre! Feliz día Turquía!

The sentence "Accion de gracias feliz! Nosotros deseo ustedes tenidas unas vacaciones alegres! Feliz dia del pavo!" is a mixture of incorrect grammar and some missing words.

To properly say "Happy Thanksgiving! We wish you all had a joyful holiday! Happy Turkey day!" in Spanish, you can use the following sentences:

1. "¡Feliz Día de Acción de Gracias!" - This translates to "Happy Thanksgiving!"

2. "¡Les deseamos a todos unas vacaciones alegres!" - This sentence means "We wish you all a joyful holiday!"

3. "¡Feliz Día del Pavo!" - This translates to "Happy Turkey Day!"

Remember to always capitalize the first letter of each sentence in Spanish!

When learning a new language or wanting to translate sentences, it's helpful to use online translation tools or consult language reference books. This way, you can ensure that your sentences are grammatically correct and convey the message accurately.