Is this correct? I have to present it, memorized, in front of the class.

"Hola amigos y amigas. Buenas Tardes! Hoy es jueves el tres de diciembre. Hace mal tiempo y hace frio y lleve, nieva, y esta nublando. La tempuratura es cuarenta grados. No olvidese su abrigo! Adios!"

frío (accent) y llueve (it is raining)...está (accent)

La temperatura (spelling) es DE cuarenta grados.

If you are speaking to everyone there (ustedes) = No se olviden de su abrigo.

Otherwise it looks good.


Yes, your sentence is mostly correct. However, there are a few corrections and suggestions I can provide to improve your presentation.

"Hola amigos y amigas. ¡Buenas tardes! Hoy es jueves, el tres de diciembre. Hace mal tiempo, hace frío y hay nieve, y está nublado. La temperatura es cuarenta grados. ¡No olviden su abrigo! ¡Adiós!"

Here are the changes:

1. Instead of "lleve," which means "carry/take," use "hay," which means "there is/are" to indicate the presence of snow.
2. Use the appropriate gender agreement in "amigos" (masculine) and "amigas" (feminine) to address both male and female friends.
3. "No olviden" is the correct form to address multiple people, as it is the plural form of "no olvides."
4. The exclamation marks help to convey enthusiasm and add energy to your presentation.

To ensure a successful memorization, I recommend the following steps:

1. Understand the meaning of each sentence and its components. This will help you become familiar with the content and improve your delivery.
2. Break the speech into smaller sections or sentences and practice each section individually until you feel comfortable.
3. Once you have memorized the smaller sections, practice combining them to create the full speech smoothly.
4. Practice speaking the speech out loud multiple times to reinforce memorization and improve pronunciation.
5. Ask a friend, family member, or classmate to listen to your presentation and provide feedback to help you refine your delivery.

Remember, confidence and enthusiasm are key to delivering a successful presentation. Good luck!