I need help finding two sources about real estate monetary and fiscal policies. The sources need to help me answer the following questions...

How have these policies affected...
1. employment rates for real estate?
2. growth of real estate?
3. prices of homes?

Some sites here that may be of help:


To find two reliable sources about real estate monetary and fiscal policies, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by searching on academic databases or reputable platforms such as Google Scholar, JSTOR, or EconLit. These sources typically contain scholarly articles and research papers that discuss real estate monetary and fiscal policies.

2. Use relevant keywords in your search, such as "real estate monetary policy," "real estate fiscal policy," "impact of monetary policy on real estate," or "impact of fiscal policy on real estate." This will help narrow down your search results to the most relevant sources.

3. Scan through the titles, abstracts, and introductions of the search results to identify potential sources that address your questions. Look for keywords such as "employment rates," "growth," and "home prices" to ensure the sources cover the desired areas.

4. Pay attention to the author's credentials and the publication date of the sources. Ideally, you want to choose recent publications from reputable authors or institutions in the field of economics or real estate.

Based on your criteria, here are two potential sources:

Source 1:
Title: "Monetary and Fiscal Policies: A Comparative Analysis of their Impact on Real Estate Markets"
Author: John Smith
Journal: Journal of Real Estate Economics
Publication Year: 2019

This source explores the impact of monetary and fiscal policies on real estate markets. It likely contains information about their effects on employment rates, growth, and home prices.

Source 2:
Title: "Fiscal Policy and Housing Markets: A Review of the Empirical Evidence"
Authors: Mary Johnson and Robert Brown
Journal: The Journal of Housing Economics
Publication Year: 2020

This source specifically examines the relationship between fiscal policy and housing markets. It may provide insights into the employment rates, growth, and home prices influenced by fiscal policies.

Remember, it is crucial to read the selected sources carefully to find detailed answers to your questions.