I need to write an essay on this before December. Please help!

What role has the concept of nationalism played in the life of Russia in the past and present?


Check some of these sites.


Time to do some reading!




read pages 401 to 403 in your book

Sure, I can help you get started on your essay regarding the role of nationalism in Russia's past and present. To gather information and develop your understanding of the topic, here are the steps you can take:

1. Conduct preliminary research: Start by reading general background information on nationalism in Russia. Look for books, academic articles, or reliable websites that provide an overview of Russia's nationalism throughout history. This will help you establish a foundation of knowledge.

2. Take note of historical milestones: Examine key events in Russian history that are relevant to nationalism. For instance, consider the rise of Russian nationalism during the era of the Russian Empire, the impact of nationalism during the Soviet era, and the role of nationalism in shaping Russia's post-Soviet identity.

3. Analyze political developments: Investigate how nationalism has influenced Russia's political landscape. Explore how nationalist sentiments have influenced the policies of different political leaders and parties in Russia. Look into nationalist movements or organizations that have emerged in the country.

4. Study cultural and societal aspects: Examine the impact of nationalism on Russian culture, including language, religion, literature, and traditions. Investigate how nationalist sentiments have affected the perception of minority groups within the country and their relationship with the dominant Russian identity.

5. Consider economic implications: Explore how nationalism has shaped Russia's economic policies, particularly in relation to national resources and industries. Investigate whether nationalist ideals have influenced trade, investment, or economic sanctions.

6. Examine current events: Investigate recent developments and controversies related to nationalism in Russia. Look for news articles or scholarly analysis that discuss any recent nationalist movements, debates, or policies.

7. Compare with other countries: To add depth to your analysis, consider comparing Russia's nationalism with that of other nations. Examine similarities or differences in how nationalism has manifested in Russia compared to other countries, such as the United States, China, or European nations.

8. Develop a thesis statement and outline: Based on your research and analysis, create a clear thesis statement that summarizes your argument regarding the role of nationalism in Russia's past and present. Then, outline the main points and evidence you will use to support your thesis.

By following these steps, you will be equipped with a solid foundation of knowledge about nationalism in Russia, allowing you to write a well-informed and comprehensive essay. Good luck!