"the opportunity to dedicate my life to my passion is something I do not intend to let go of"

Is this grammatically correct?

Technically it is not correct because you've ended the sentence with a preposition. It's also unnecessarily wordy and negative.

How about?

I intend to dedicate my life to my passion.

Nothing else excites me more than dedicating my life to my passion.

how's this?

That is excellent!

Yes, the sentence "the opportunity to dedicate my life to my passion is something I do not intend to let go of" is grammatically correct. It is a well-constructed sentence expressing a strong commitment to pursuing one's passion.

To determine if a sentence is grammatically correct, you can consider the following points:

1. Subject-Verb Agreement: In this sentence, the subject "the opportunity" agrees with the singular verb "is."
2. Sentence Structure: The sentence follows a clear structure with a subject ("the opportunity") and a predicate ("to dedicate my life to my passion"). It also includes a dependent clause ("something I do not intend to let go of") that further clarifies the speaker's intentions.
3. Use of Articles: The sentence uses the definite article "the" before "opportunity," indicating that the speaker is referring to a specific opportunity.
4. Use of Pronouns: The pronouns "my" and "I" are used correctly to reflect the speaker's possession and personal involvement.

Overall, the sentence effectively conveys the intended meaning and adheres to grammatical rules.