describe what the graph of interval [-4,10] look like?


The interval notation uses square brackets [] to enclose the lower and upper limits when the limits are included in the interval. Parentheses () are used if the limits are excluded.
In this case, the limits of -4 and 10 are included, so draw a thick filled circle to represent the limits. Draw a thick line between the limits.
If the limits are excluded, a hollow circle (∘) will be used instead of •.

Also, the + signs on the line are used as tics for the number axis. In practice, we only put tics at wider intervals, like 5 or 10, depending on the interval in question.

it will look like this

-4 0 10

To describe the graph of the interval [-4,10], we first need to understand what an interval represents. An interval is a range of real numbers between two points, including those points themselves. In this case, the interval starts at -4 and ends at 10, so it includes all the numbers between and including -4 and 10.

The graph of this interval would typically be represented on a number line. To create the graph, we draw a line and mark the numbers -4 and 10 on it. Then, we shade the section of the line between those two points to represent the interval.

So, in this case, the graph would show a number line with -4 and 10 marked, and the section of the line between -4 and 10 shaded. This indicates that the interval includes all real numbers greater than or equal to -4 and less than or equal to 10.