MECHANICS (errors in the use of apostrophes)

the answer is b.

A.Burt and Loni's breakup made front-page news in the tabloids for weeks.

B.Eileen Farrell's foray into the blues was successful, but the singer's commitment to opera reigned supreme.

C.The giraffe stretched its neck over the fence to reach the tender green leaves.

D.He had collections of campaign buttons from the 50s, all bearing the slogan "I like Ike."

I disagree.

the answer is D.

To determine which sentence contains an error in the use of apostrophes, we can analyze each sentence:

A. "Burt and Loni's breakup made front-page news in the tabloids for weeks."
In this sentence, the use of the apostrophe is correct. It indicates that the breakup belongs to both Burt and Loni.

B. "Eileen Farrell's foray into the blues was successful, but the singer's commitment to opera reigned supreme."
This sentence also uses the apostrophe correctly. It shows possession, indicating that the foray and commitment belong to Eileen Farrell and the singer, respectively.

C. "The giraffe stretched its neck over the fence to reach the tender green leaves."
This sentence does not use an apostrophe, and it is correct. The possessive form of the pronoun "it" does not require an apostrophe.

D. "He had collections of campaign buttons from the 50s, all bearing the slogan 'I like Ike.'"
This sentence is also free from apostrophe errors. The apostrophe in "50s" is used to indicate the abbreviation of the decade, and the apostrophe in "Ike" is used to show that the slogan belongs to Ike.

Therefore, the answer is: Option B does not contain any error in the use of apostrophes.