Why do you think that throughout the instruction of reading vocabulary development should be emphasized?

Comprehension is enhanced when the students understand the vocabulary.

The key word in that question is YOU>

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Throughout the instruction of reading, vocabulary development should be emphasized because it plays a crucial role in comprehension and overall language skills. When students have a strong grasp of vocabulary, they are better equipped to understand what they read, make connections with prior knowledge, and infer meanings from context. It enhances their ability to interpret and analyze texts, as well as express themselves more effectively in both speaking and writing.

To emphasize vocabulary development during reading instruction, there are several strategies that can be employed:

1. Pre-teach key vocabulary: Introduce and teach important words before students read a text. This provides them with necessary background knowledge, enabling them to engage more effectively with the text.

2. Context clues: Encourage students to use context clues to infer word meanings. By paying attention to the surrounding words, phrases, and sentences, they can make educated guesses about unfamiliar words.

3. Graphic organizers: Use graphic organizers such as word webs, semantic maps, or concept maps to help students visualize the relationships between words and their meanings. This can deepen their understanding and retention of vocabulary.

4. Multiple exposures: Provide multiple exposures to targeted vocabulary by incorporating it into various reading activities. This can include discussion, writing assignments, and vocabulary games.

5. Technology resources: Utilize online tools and resources, such as digital dictionaries, vocabulary-building websites, or apps, which can engage students and make vocabulary learning more interactive.

By consistently incorporating these strategies, educators can foster a strong vocabulary foundation for students, ultimately enhancing their reading and language skills.