what does this mean in english

ecris la partie correcte d,aller apres chaque nom ou pronom

Write the correct part of "to go" according to each noun or pronoun.

Je vais
tu vas
il/elle/on va
nous allons
vous allez
ils/elles vong

Sra (aka Mme)

In English, the sentence "ecris la partie correcte d'aller apres chaque nom ou pronom" means "write the correct part of 'to go' after each noun or pronoun."

To understand this sentence, you can break it down into different parts:

1. "Ecris" translates to "write" in English, which indicates an action of writing something down.

2. "La partie correcte d'aller" can be translated as "the correct part of 'to go'." This suggests that there are different forms or variations of the verb "to go" that need to be written correctly.

3. "Après chaque nom ou pronom" means "after each noun or pronoun." This indicates that after every noun or pronoun, you need to write the appropriate form of the verb "to go."

So, the overall message of the sentence is to write the correct form of the verb "to go" after each noun or pronoun in French.